
Tuesday, August 2, 2011

So sweet style

Style info :

Skin , shape : Unique MegaStore - Artemis bronze - M05

Hair :^;^CaTwA^;^ Tahany Hair/Mocha - NEW

Hair base : ...:::DURA:::... Hairbase - Brown - NEW

Outfit with shoes : Delirium Style - Cute Voodoo - NEW

Necklace : A:S:S - Narayan necklace - NEW


Now some new info about the coming Ao
ofc ffrom my amazing fav Aos store Vista 
She is a sweet, cute and shy at times; a normal girl that is not into teasing or warrior fighting.
She is as she is, not trying to impress anyone.  In spite that though, this cute/shy girl attitude could also awaken some of the wildest fantasies in men (but that is not your fault!).

This is a huge AO with lots of new animations with smooth, simple and cute movements and the breathing effect.

Change your attitude nuance using LOAD button amd jump from CUTE to FORMAL, RELAX or to pure SHY.

Asembled on the VISTA HUD 3.x with Force Arms, Dances, Facial Expressions and more!
NOTE:  This AO works great with the force arms options, allowing you thousands of cool combinations.
Try it!

Notecard options "CHANGE ATTITUDE MODES" : (use load button) *************************************************************************

*-VISTA AO- all the stands included loading this option
*-RELAXED- only stands without turns or too much movement
*-CUTE- all the cute stands without the most shy ones or formal ones
*-SHY- only the most shy stands here
*-FORMAL- The most serious stands only.

What is included in your folder
*-1 backup box AO
*-1 standard AO
*-1 AO edited with sitgrounds for short avis
*-1 superflight invisible prim. This is optional.  If you wear this, you can use the superflight menu from your AO. (flight faster, higher etc).  Works better than a flight feather!
*-information notecards

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