Hello everyone <3
Hope you're all doing great today and everyday
Many of you asked me about my wedding day because of the previous wedding guide and wedding
topics I used to make and said my wedding would be soon
Buy actually I broke up with my previous bf
that's why all my plans changed
but don't be sad
Actually it's good thing because I found my true self with my actual sweetheart :)
sometimes we don't see the truth which been standing front of our eyes all the time
we just need shock to make us see
so if you ask about my wedding
it will come one day
I did not set date
or exact time
but it's coming
and it's
anyways today I am showing you
one of the best wedding places ever
it's great for both personal use or if you are wedding agency
simple and cozy
Info &Credit :
Full decoration
From : Your ♥ Dreams
Name : Wedding Love & Lavender
From : CATWA
Name : CATWA HAIR Flora
From : Celestinas Wedding
Name : .:(CW):. Trinity Gown Mesh Champagne
and Ofc The beautiful theme from
Mystical Rental