Hi again everyone
hope you are enjoying your sl :D
well today post I wasn't going to do anything but shopping
and I saw these amazing mix and I thought I must share it with you
okay first of all there 's a good news
this adorable skin is FREE !!
group gift actually
go now and grab it !
none ever can tell it's free
very high quality and comes in 3 tones wooot !
then this new hair from
called :
[Castellian] Jasmine Hair
go and try the demo then find your hair tone color
ummm what else
oh yeah
first I will talk about this shoes !
why ?
okay not only beacuse it's AMAZING and sexy
but also because it is the only good shoes in the market it's color contains my outfit color mix
[ gold , brown and black ] in one shoes
okay more details about it !
it's 1 shoes comes with the hud which contains lots of coloes not only that but also
there are 4 Huds
so A LOT of colors
where from ?
good question
what does it call ?
they let's talk about this shirt
well it is both shirt n jacket in 1 pack
comes with hud to mix and match your favorite color
from :
called :
NS:: Unique Style Vest and Shirt Mesh
and the PANTS !!!
once again I represent you Son!a brand new products
Son!a Rina mesh pants gold
and as it's from son!a by now u should know that there are many colors
and high quality
I hope you liked my look
enjoy your shopping